Tuesday 24 June 2008

Konntinent To Collaborate With GP~00

A marriage made in heaven if there ever was one! London-based soundscaper Konntinent has today announced tentative details of a collaborative project with the mysterious GP~00.

It's due to be released by Berlin's specialist Sonicpieces label, curated by Monique Recknagel of German Radio Magazine Schall und Raum. Dates have yet to be announced, but "ultra nice" handmade packaging has been promised for this much anticipated project.

Konntinent's All Lines Lead In was recently issued by the Serein Netlabel, while a full-length debut, through Japan's Symbolic Interaction, is expected in the not too distant future.

Adam W Flynn, the musician behind GP~00, meanwhile has been busy with his .Redshifts and Unflower projects, but still found time to record the superb i for Forgotten Empire Records last year. Flynn spoke to Angry Ape late in 2077 about his myriad of projects.

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